A trip to the Outer Hebrides wouldn't be complete without spending a few nights on the isle of Berneray. Only 5 minutes drive from the ferry terminal, is the eastern beach, drive past the most amazing hostel and park on the grass right at the beach. The grass verge is solid and never gets boggy or chewed up.

Berneray was also the birthplace of the Giant MacAskill. Angus MacAskill was born in 1825, this giant of the times stood at 7ft 7in, or 2.31m. The 1981 Guinness Book of World Records says he is the tallest non-pathological giant in recorded history and had the largest chest measurements of any non-obese man (80 inches, or 200Â cm).
There is a monument on the island which is made to the exact height. I'm 6ft tall and have stood next to his monument and was blown away with the size of this man. Considering the average height at the time was 5ft 10in, I shudder to think what the reaction would have been in the 1800's

Thanks for looking, maybe see you there !!!
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